Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year's Resolution to Focus on What Works

Happy New Year!  I have been reading inspirational stories about schools from around the country that are succeeding in their work with historically low achieving schools.  I hope you will visit and be inspired yourself.  In our work, there is much talk about what does not work, and what we should not or cannot do.  What would happen if we each resolved to focus on what DOES work, to collaborate and share ideas with our colleagues in an ongoing, intentional manner?  How would our day to day perspectives change?  Could our work become even more efficient, impacting larger numbers of students in a significant way?  Here are a few of my goals for the New Year: 
Focus on what works.  Do not dwell on what does not.
Collaborate.  Intentionally.  Continually.  Purposefully.
As I come across articles, ideas, and websites that are relevant to our work, and am adding links to the Summit website, and talking about them on this blog.  I am also using the Summit web site to share examples of successful Professional Development sessions that I have done, as well as other artifacts I have created or used in my work to increase compliance and efficiency.
I sincerely look forward to seeing you at the Summit on March 11th. 
Happy New Year once again!