Friday, January 7, 2011

Update on School Improvement Superstars Summit

I am really excited for the School Improvement Superstars Summit on March 11th.   Talented and amazing people are scheduled to present.  It is shaping up to be a truly worthwhile event!

Our Keynote speaker is the 2010 Milken Educator Award Winner, Kelly Aramaki.  The breakout sessions planned so far include:
·       We Made AYP!  A Title 1 Success Story from Dr. Norma Zavala, principal of Concord International Elementary School
·       Transformation and Reinvention:  One School's Journey, presented by Vicki Sacco, principal of West Seattle Elementary School
·       English Language Learners: Strategies that work, presented by Martin O’Callaghan, principal of Secondary Bilingual Orientation Center
·       The Seattle Family Engagement Team: This team received a national award from John Hopkins University, Bernardo Ruiz, Manager
·       Unheard Voices:  The Native American Achievement Gap presented by Arlie Neskahi, manager of Indian Education for Seattle Schools
·       I'll Take the Combo Please:  Combining school improvement plans and schoolwide plans, presented by Rachel Osborn
·       Let's Chat: Small group discussion sessions for problem solving and collaboration with your colleagues, facilitated by Rachel Osborn
·       Providers, Invoices, and Learning Plans...Oh My! Learn how to design a more efficient SES program (one of many small group discussion topics)
·       Got Data? Use AYP, Safe Harbor, Uniform Bar, Steps of Improvement to plan and target instruction  
·       Paperwork Panic? Forms, Checklists, and other record keeping ideas for Title 1 compliance

I will post additional updates about the Summit as they become available.  Please share this information with your colleagues!